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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More Books?!

Remember my first post this year?  Where I said I wanted to clear of my bookshelf?

Well...I don't think that will EVER happen.  Since that post, I've been using the library like a CRAZY person for books.  I've also purchased at LEAST 10 new books and another 10 used books.  Of course, in those used books I'm not including the books I just picked up from the local library book sale.

This book sale is held once every Spring and Fall.  I go every year and usually find some hidden treasures.  This year I waited to go until Friday (2nd to last day) because it was $5.00 a bag!  I know, I know, at $5.00 a bag I was asking for trouble, right?  Wrong.  There weren't too many books left to choose from, but I was able to fill one bag.  That one bag added about 20-25 books to my "To-Read" bookshelves.

Yes, I said "shelves", not "shelf".  My to-read pile is increasing drastically, yet I'm ahead of schedule for books this year.  I'm thinking it may be time to take away the Amazon account, Barnes & Noble, and my CAR so I can't head to the used book sales.  I suppose it's better than other possible addictions, right?!

I just wanted to fill you in on my latest adventures.  The bookshelf will never be clear, but I'm coming to terms with it.  Let's just hope my boyfriend will understand!

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